Fix Processed Data

Process failures may occur due to targets positions not properly identified during drone data process by the Photogrammetry module. 4P offers two solutions to fix the targets positions and resume the process.


The following solutions can be applied when the error “no markers were found” is raised in a Drone processing workflow.

1. Fix target positions with Photoscan on a local machine


You must have access to Photoscan on a desktop computer to carry out this solution. If not please go the solution n°2.

Open the details page of the failed process and click on the button Fix the process.


A window for fixing the process pops up. In the section Fix data on a local computer, download the photoscan project and/or the registered images.


After downloading, extract the archives and follow the guide (labeling of targets) to fix your data using Photoscan.

Once your data is fixed, use the same popup to upload the updated Photoscan project : Click the button Browse, select the new Photoscan archive (with the exact structure as the downloaded archive) and click on the button Load fixed data.

When the upload is complete, click the button Fix and resume the process to restart the process from the failed step.

2. Fix target positions with Photoscan on the cloud


You must have a user account on the Photoscan cloud machine. Following steps can only be exectuted on a linux operating system with the software TurboVNC client. Please contact the INRAE network administrators to obtain an account and receive detailed instructions.

Open the details page of the failed process and click on the button Fix the process.


A window for fixing the process pops up. In the section Fix data on the cloud take note of the path where the data is located on the cloud machine.


Connect and initialize the remote Photoscan cloud machine

On the desktop computer, open a command terminal and execute the next command to log in the Photoscan cloud machine :

ssh -i public_key_file -L 5901:localhost:5901 login@
  • Replace login by the actual login on the Photoscan virtual machine

  • Replace public_key_file by the actual path to the public key file for the Photoscan virtual machine


Please contact the INRAE network administrators to obtain a login and a public SSH key.

Once logged in, execute a new instance of TurboVNC server on the Photoscan virtual machine :

cd /opt/TurboVNC/bin


A user password will have to be defined on the first execution of TurboVNC server

Get the server ID number with the command bellow :

./vncserver -list


Do not close the command terminal unless the fixing is complete!

Connect graphically to the Photoscan cloud machine and fix data

Next, on the desktop computer, open the TurboVNC client and enter the VNC server ID: “localhost:ID”. For example, if the ID number is “1”, enter “localhost:1”.


This will start a graphical connection to Photoscan virtual machine. After entering the user password, run Photoscan with the command below :

sudo vglrun /usr/local/bin/photoscan-pro/

Once Photoscan is up and running, open the photoscan project (PSX file) from the data path indicated before in the directory module_public_Photogrammetry/photoscan. Then, follow the guide (labeling of targets) to fix your data.

Close the connection to the Photoscan cloud machine and resume the process

When the data is fixed and the Photoscan project saved, close the TurboVNC client and kill the vnc server :

cd /opt/TurboVNC/bin
./vncserver -kill :ID
  • Where ID is the server ID number

Finally, go back to the 4P application and click the button Fix and resume the process to restart the process from the failed step.